Filmed by Tokomburu
Production by Inkas Film Productions
Jargon | Long Durational Performance | AS ONE | NEON + MAI
Virginia Mastrogiannaki, visual artist (1978), Athens, Greece
A human clock measures time as it passes, as it tests the limits of body and mind. Virginia Mastrogiannaki renders her own body an analogue machine, a tool for calculating time, the hours we work, the time of the space in which she finds herself. Her mind battles to remain focused on every minute, eight hours a day, for seven weeks. This is an ascetic act that nevertheless links her with others through the overlay of time and place. The inability of the mind to follow the passage of time means mistakes are unavoidable, but notes taken on paper restore the spirit to the task at hand.
Duration | 10 March – 24 April
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
The Artist on the Composer | Greek National Opera + NEON