Filmed by Tokomburu
Production by Inkas Film Productions
Giannis Karounis, dance artist, (1971), Laconia, Greece | Orbital
A body and a ball on an orbit delineated by the constant, tortured attempts of one person to find their balance. For eight hours, Giannis Karounis will bring his body into a mutually dependent relationship with a ball — another body, another being that he will try to understand and fall in step with, on which he will balance in order to come closer to his true self and his own self-actualisation. The ball is his polar opposite, his mirror, his other self: the essential element that leads to balance through antithesis.
Commissioned and produced by NEON + MAI, Giannis Karounis, Orbital, on the occasion of AS ONE, Benaki Museum, Athens, 10 March – 24 April 2016, Filming Tokomburu, Production Inkas Film Productions
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
The Artist on the Composer | Greek National Opera + NEON