In the context of the educational program “Is this Art?” a video about the life and work of Marina Abramovic is presented by NEON.
The “Is this Art?” educational programme is the first of its kind to be implemented in Greece. This NEON initiative is being developed and realized in collaboration with the Hellenic Children’s Museum. It aims to bring 15-year-old students in contact with various forms of contemporary art and their creators. The programme is being launched in Attica between March and May 2014, and will be taught to around 2,500 students by the end of 2015, with two visits made to every school that declares an interest.
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
The Artist on the Composer | Greek National Opera + NEON