05/11/2021 - 06/11/2021
Benaki Museum
Friday 5 November 2021 | 7:30pm
Saturday 6 November 2021 | 7:30pm
Duration | 40 minutes
Tickets: 10€ | Tickets via
Maximum number of spectators: 50 people
Please note all visitors are required to wear protective masks and practice social distancing whilst on site.
In accordance with the health authorities’ requirements, all visitors 12 years of age and older must present a Covid-19 vaccination certificate or a certificate of recovery from Covid-19.
Concept/Choreography: Persa Stamatopoulou
Music/Sound installation: Coti K.
Assistant choreographer: Polena Kolia
Photography: Foteini Farmasoni
Dancers: Daphne Stathatou, Nikos Kalivas
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The Contemporary Dance Group of Persa Stamatopoulou, in collaboration with the musician Coti K., present Traces.
This new production negotiates the mapping of the human imprint in space and time through a sound installation, drawing material from historical events of the world history. A collage of sound stimuli triggers the creation of bridges between the past and the present assembling a narrative of a world that seems to be progressing through its repetition. Audio documents refer to moments that have defined our adulthood, or have been recorded in us as narratives redefining our relationship with memory. Traces that are lost in the oblivion of History come back as short, standalone stories and give feedback to the acoustic installation along with a kinetic action, thus complementing each other.
Through minimalistic and abstract aesthetics, two bodies scattered in space are in a continuous flow, searching and developing a dialogue with each other that allows them to interact and move along together, accompany their listening. The people present and absent, the audience and the protagonists, are setting the stage of their own story within History focusing on the echo that is left behind. In this particular condition, the audience is called upon to activate first the sense of hearing, in an era when image as a medium occupies our perception of the world, the audience can bring back memories and compose their own personal images and thoughts.
The Contemporary Dance Group of Persa Stamatopoulou and the performance Traces are supported by NEON Organization and Flux Laboratory Athens.
Benaki Museum
138, Piraeus str.,
118 54, Athens
138, Piraeus str., Athens