Filmed by Tokomburu
Production by Inkas Film Productions
Thomas Diafas, writer and performer (1987), Thessaloniki, Greece | Dance With Me
Thomas Diafas engages visitors in a metaphorical verbal “dance” of speech, expression and creation. Sat in a chair, the artist opens each conversation with visitors using the phrase “That is inhumane”. Jumbled words, responses, emotions — all are set down on paper, to be decoded later, transmuted into a structured work, transformed into poems, texts, songs that give meaning and form to ideas and thought.
Commissioned and produced by NEON + MAI, Thomas Diafas, Dance With Me, on the occasion of AS ONE, Benaki Museum, Athens, 10 March – 24 April 2016, Filming Tokomburu, Production Inkas Film Productions.
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
space of togetherness | NEON at the Drama School of the Greek National Theatre, School of Athens - Irene Papas
The Artist on the Composer | Greek National Opera + NEON